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Accutech Lab Solutions

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Automatic Bitumen Penetrometer

Automatic Bitumen PenetrometerProduct Details:MaterialMild SteelAutomation GradeManualUsage/Applicat..


Bitumen Extractor Hand Operated

Bitumen Extractor Hand OperatedProduct Details:Type Of Testing MachinesBitumen Extractor Hand Operat..


Core Drill Machines

Core Drill MachinesProduct Details:Capacity80 mmMachine TypeAutomaticPower Consumption20kWHead trave..


Digital Abrasion Tester

Digital Abrasion TesterProduct Details:Usage/ApplicationIndustrialMaterialMild SteelWeight20kgPower2..


Electronic Analytical Balance

Electronic Analytical BalanceProduct Details:Accuracy1 gmUsage/ApplicationFor LaboratoryCapacity100 ..



ENDOSCOPEProduct Details:Resolution1280 x 720BrandBOSCHModel Name/NumberGIC 5-27CIs It FlexibleFlexi..


Instrument Calibration Service

Instrument Calibration ServiceProduct Details:Instrument TypeMeasuring Instrument, Electrical Calibr..


Laboratory Cement Autoclave

Laboratory Cement AutoclaveProduct Details:Capacity500 Kg/HrPressure Range30MaterialMSTemperature Ra..


Metal Sieve Mesh

Metal Sieve MeshProduct Details:Opening Size1/4 InchMesh Number Size10Pack TypeBoxDiameter30 mmTypeS..


MS Beam Mould

MS Beam MouldProduct Details:Mould MaterialMild SteelMaterialMild SteelUsage/ApplicationPromotionalS..


Softening Point Apparatus

Softening Point ApparatusProduct Details:MaterialMSPhase3 PhaseAutomation GradeAutomaticFinishingPol..


Sokkia Digital Theodolite

Sokkia Digital TheodoliteProduct Details:We are the leading organization of the industry involved in..


Sokkia Total Station

Sokkia Total StationProduct Details:Model Name/NumberIM-55Resolving Power2.5 inchAngle Measurement A..


South Total Station

South Total StationProduct Details:Model Name/NumberN3Magnification24XResolving Power2.5 inchDistanc..


Standard Tar Viscometer

Standard Tar ViscometerProduct Details:BrandAccutech Lab SolutionsViscosity220 VMaterialMild SteelUs..


Table Top Weighing Balance

Table Top Weighing BalanceProduct Details:Backed by the years of experience and knowledge, we are in..


TOPCON Digital Theodolite

TOPCON Digital TheodoliteProduct Details:We are the leading organization indulged in offering a wide..


Total Station Repairing Service

Total Station Repairing ServiceProduct Details:BrandAccutech Lab SolutionUsage/ApplicationIndustrial..


Vee Bee Consistometer

Vee Bee ConsistometerProduct Details:MaterialMild SteelCapacity110 Kg/ MinUsage/ApplicationIndustria..


Vernier Transit Theodolite

Vernier Transit TheodoliteProduct Details:Model Name/NumberVT20Magnificaton24XDistance Measurement20..
